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Feeling of heavy legs: the best active ingredients in food supplements 1024 512 admin-pyc

Feeling of heavy legs: the best active ingredients in food supplements

Feedback from Aurélie Siffre, in pharmacy, on food supplements for heavy legs and circulation. The best active ingredients and plant extracts.

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Developing a detox food supplement, which formula is recommended? 1024 512 admin-pyc

Developing a detox food supplement, which formula is recommended?

Developing a detox food supplement. Feedback on these formulas from a pharmacist, Aurélie SIFFRE.

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The bar remains the snack of choice when it comes to supplying protein 1024 512 admin-pyc

The bar remains the snack of choice when it comes to supplying protein

Top 3 must-try protein bars; read more.

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TOP 5 excellent reasons to use a slimming drainer 1024 512 admin-pyc

TOP 5 excellent reasons to use a slimming drainer

5 excellent reasons to use a drainer. Aurélie SIFFRE, Doctor of Pharmacy, explains and gives advice on this slimming food supplement.

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Collagen and skin food supplements 1024 512 admin-pyc

Collagen and skin food supplements

Aurélie SIFFRE, doctor of pharmacy, in France, gives her advice on beauty food supplements: collagen, vitamin C…. Trends, health benefits, advice

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Clean label supplements


“Clean label” supplement formulas are flourishing at Laboratoire PYC. What are the consumer expectations? Clean composition, natural health, … some answers on the subject.

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What about vitamins and minerals? 1024 512 admin-pyc
vitamines, minéraux, laboratoire PYC

What about vitamins and minerals?

What are vitamins and minerals used for? How are they framed? What do the health authorities think? Laboratoire PYC answers.

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A few rules to manage your weight and live your diet better 1024 512 admin-pyc
substitut de repas pancake

A few rules to manage your weight and live your diet better

Discover some of the rules to follow for better weight management and dieting. By Laboratoire PYC and Béatrice de Reynal.

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High protein chips, eight years later. 1024 512 admin-pyc

High protein chips, eight years later.

Protein snacks are booming. Laboratoire PYC was the first manufacturer to offer high protein chips. Find out more.

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High protein products: designing effective and quality diet recipes. 1024 512 admin-pyc
protéine; protein

High protein products: designing effective and quality diet recipes.

Interview with Dominique THIERY, responsible for the formulation of high protein powder products at Laboratoire PYC for 20 years.

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