Two years after her designation as Director of Laboratoire PYC, Caroline Guyon answers some questions.
This is the opportunity to review the directions taken by Laboratoire PYC and to discuss the market situation.
The SOLINA group has placed eco-responsibility at the heart of its strategy (one of its 5 pillars). What actions have been taken at Laboratoire PYC, please?
Eco-responsibility is a major issue to which we must pay a lot of attention. We act at different levels at Laboratoire PYC. First, in terms of products, we work with more and more local products. We try to reduce the amount of packaging and to favour 100% recyclable products, such as our jar packaging for example. Then, at the industrial level, we have set up a comprehensive waste analysis with the aim of reprocessing 40% of it this year.
An environmental team has been set up to implement eco-responsible actions in our company. I suggest you visit and discover their work on the blog for more information.
The plant-based wave has spread throughout the world of nutrition. How do your team answer to this trend, especially in terms of innovation?
Thanks to monitoring and various feedbacks, the teams are constantly adapting to trends. For some time now, we have seen an increase in the number of requests for plant-based products. We have been launching animal-free products for several years now. And we continue:
This year we have launched 11 new products in our range that meet these criteria!
And very soon you will discover even more innovations to come!
At SOLINA, in general, we want to position ourselves actively on this plant-based trend, to meet consumer demands, but above all because we pay more attention to our environmental impact every day. It is our duty today to act Responsibly.
Laboratoire PYC provides a full-service response to food supplement and protein product demands. How do you maintain and increase the quality of its services, please?
Maintaining and developing the services is a long-term task, which obviously involves all the teams in the company. The main key is sharing values. Customer satisfaction is our primary value. When employees share this notion, then it is the guarantee of a quality service. From order management to logistics, everyone is committed to doing their best to satisfy the customer.
We all work together to come up with new ideas, work on new concepts and thus offer a wider range of services over time.
We stay close to our customers and we also have satisfaction surveys that allow us to monitor our good level of activity.
The SOLINA group has a clearly stated international ambition. How does Laboratoire PYC fit into this ambitious development, please?
Indeed, SOLINA, leader on the European market, wants to continue its international growth, and this is an excellent ambition because it opens so many new opportunities for collaboration!
As part of SOLINA, we have followed the same trend in our Laboratoire PYC Business Unit. We have restarted our international travels after the two years stop. It’s great to go out and conquer new businesses. We will be at the SupplySide West West show in Las Vegas next month, a first for PYC in North America!
A more personal question: you have been leading the Laboratoire PYC teams for two years. What are your impressions and how do you empower your teams around projects, please?
Time is flying by so fast! Like many companies now, we have gone through a rather unprecedented year. Challenged by a health crisis that is still present, by a war at the gates of Europe and by consumption habits that have changed over the last two years, we have had to adapt our strategy as a team.
However, we still have the same objective: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION.
The teams are involved, and all want the company to succeed. We are going through this period together, and to stay on course, we have chosen to maintain the projects that are essential to our growth ambition.
We share our annual objectives between managers and implement them at all levels to move forward in the same direction and with mutual support.
We also discuss medium-term guidelines in the Management Committee, which are then shared among the teams. This makes us want to move forward and succeed together. I am lucky to be supported by a great team!